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Covid got you stressed out? Beware of Hair Loss

Posted by Pivotal Products LLC on Dec 19th 2020

Covid got you stressed out?  Beware of Hair Loss

When you should be concerned about hair loss?

How many times have busy woman say something like this? I've got so much to do I'm pulling my hair out!.

Well, it's not too far from the truth.

Many times, working mothers and other women pile too much on their plates and cannot seem to get anything done, some common causes for hair loss could be, get your stress level under control , check your medicines, after pregnancy, make sure your thyroid and iron levels are normal, look for redness and rash, dry itchy scalps.

Don't damage your hair follicles.

To help keep your hair on your head and not in your hand avoid, rubber bands(at the scalp), hot curlers, curling iron, harsh chemicals and tight braids. They can all harm your scalp and hair. If you stop pulling your hair with rubber bands, braids or tight rollers before your scalp scars, your hair will grow back.

Once your scalp has scarred, your hair loss may be permanent.

The key word being maybe.

If you have a nervous habit of pulling or twisting your hair, stop it now.

Some people can't stop this habit on their own and need counseling or alternative therapy.

Hair loss in women is a cause for concern, but not necessarily a cause for alarm.

Think about what is taking place in your life now and what is happening in the last few months with Covid.

You may just need to slow down, eat healthier foods, and take good care of your scalp and hair.

Product to try:

Natural Balance Creme Castor LaMode Oil

Keep in mind. You lose 100 hairs a day!